The Blog

A blog on climate change and resilience in the context of Kenya and Africa

Last Mile Climate Awareness

Climate adaptation finance; the paradox​
In the world we live in, all this action would require financing and therefore, we would still need to put ‘our money where our mouth is’.
A commentary: Resilience of livelihoods in urban areas
The value proposition for Africa and her states, lies in adaptation not decarbonisation.
A better new normal is not promised
A covid-19 commentary
Fridays for Future 24-hour Earth Day (2020) YouTube Livestream
The collective must act as one, believing in a common myth, “that we have to save life on earth”.
Much to do: part 3
We have met Mother Earth’s goodwill with none of our own- whether we are aware of the malice or not, is no defense.
Much to do: part 2
To judge each other’s climate journey is hypocritical. ‘We are all human; therefore, nothing human can be alien to us,’ Maya Angelou.
Much to do: part 1
Maybe an epidemic brings us to extinction, dark matter, or artificial intelligence (which arguably does not exist quite yet).

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